Vendor Resources
Resource Links
BCCDC: Guideline for the Sale of Foods at Temporary Markets
BCCDC: Mobile Food Premises Guidelines
BCAFM: Tools & Resources Database for Markets and Vendors
BCAFM: Selling at BC Farmers' Markets
BCAFM: Funding Opportunities for Farmers and Food Producers
BC Government: Seafood and Agriculture Funding
BC Government: Liquor Sales at Farmers' Markets
BC Government: Single-Use and Plastic Waste Prevention Regulation Guidance
Vendor Insurance
Salt Spring Tuesday Market vendors can choose to become a vendor member of the BC Association of Farmers Markets. As a BCAFM vendor member, you are eligible for exclusive member pricing on insurance. Duuo Insurance offers flexible short-term insurance options to market vendors at affordable rates. Single day coverage and flex-packages begin at just $12 per day. Learn more about Duuo policies HERE.
BCAFM offers discounted annual insurance group rates and relevant vendor plans for their Vendor Members through Western Financial. If you are vending full-time, this is likely the most affordable option. You can find out more HERE.
If you already have business insurance, you just need to add the market to your existing policy. Do you have renters insurance, car insurance etc? Check in with your insurance provider to see if they are able to provide you with a quote!